
Prepared Queries

All queries except schema definition related queries (i.e. create table etc.) are prepared by default. If you don't want to prepare queries, just set prepare=false in the options object.

models.instance.Person.find(query, {prepare: false}, function(err, people){
    //people is an array of plain objects

Get Cassandra Table Name

To get the cassandra table name for your model instance, you can use the get_table_name() function.

models.instance.Person.get_table_name(); // returns 'person'

models.instance.Person.findOne({ name: 'alex' }, function(err, alex) {
    alex.get_table_name(); // returns 'person'

Raw Query

You can get the raw query interface from cassandra nodejs-driver using the execute_query method.

var query = "Select * from user where gender=? and age > ? limit ?";
var params = ['male', 18, 10];
models.instance.Person.execute_query(query, params, function(err, people){
    //people is an array of plain objects

Raw Batch Query

You can get the batch query interface from cassandra nodejs-driver using the execute_batch method.

var queries = [
        query: "...",
        params: [...]
        query: "...",
        params: [...]
models.instance.Person.execute_batch(queries, function(err){


Get the client driver instance

You can get the client driver instance from cassandra nodejs-driver using the get_cql_client method. This will provide you a cql driver instance with which you can do anything you could possibly do with the cassandra-driver.

models.instance.Person.get_cql_client(function(err, client){
    client.eachRow('Select * from person limit 10', [], { autoPage : true }, function(n, row) {}, function(err, result){});

You can also use datastax enterprise graph by using the cassandra-driver client instance. You need to provide the graph options in the clientOptions described before in usage section like the following:

clientOptions: {
    // omitted other options for clarity
    graphOptions: { name: 'demo' }

Now you can take the cql instance and do graph queries like the following:

models.instance.Person.get_cql_client(function(err, client){
    client.executeGraph('g.V()', function (err, result) {
        const vertex = result.first();

Details of graph operations can be found in cassandra-driver docs and in datastax enterprise docs.

Debug Logging Queries

You can log the generated queries by the orm if you want. Just set the DEBUG environment variable like the following while starting your app:

DEBUG=express-cassandra node app.js

Closing connections to cassandra

You can close all orm connections to cassandra by using the following function:

    if(err) throw err;